The simple code below is useful for collision detection of a small number of objects, but can also work for a larger number. Feel free to modify or expand the code or share your contribution and suggestions.
This simple code is executed in p5 JavaScript editor.
Set up the canvass
var Items =[]; function setup() { createCanvas(600, 400); for (let i = 0; i< 100; i++ ){ Items[i] = new Item(random(width), random(height)) } }
Draw the objects
function draw(){ background(0); for (let p of Items){ p.move(); p.showCollision(); p.makeHighlight(false); for (let other of Items){ if (p!== other && p.intersects (other)){ p.makeHighlight(true); } } } }
Define the item class
class Item{ constructor(x, y){ this.x = x; this.y = y; this.r = 8; this.highlight = false; } intersects(other){ let d = dist (this.x, this.y, other.x, other.y); return (d < this.r + other.r); } makeHighlight(val){ this.highlight=val; } move(){ this.x+=random(-1, 1); this.y+=random(-1, 1); } showCollision(){ noStroke(); if (this.highlight){ fill(0, 255, 255); }else { fill(255); } ellipse(this.x, this.y, this.r); } }